Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Automatic Harvesting Farm (harvests seeds & wheat)

Automatic Harvesting Farm (harvests seeds & wheat) Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

I will also be making videos like this in the new world I created.My goal is to show you new things like useful machines so you can improve your minecraft experience and get more items faster. About the farm: This machine takes advantage of the latest update when notch added the ability to harvest seeds with water (so far you could only got wheat).The water refresh its path when redstone is active and it flows down to the farm and in its route it drifts seeds and wheat.Later some small water trences guide the items straight to the collection point. Music in order of appearance (from newgrounds.com) Jay B (hamstercake) - Sky High Jay B (hamstercake) - Lend a hand


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